Thursday, November 12, 2009

i would research

Need to start an on-going list of things I'd like to research (though will likely not have time to do), like my on-going stream "why i love."

If I had time, I would research:

Since graduating from grad school I have been asked numerous times "is the job market harder to day than before the recession."

My answer is: Since I headed straight to grad school after undergrad, I don't have any real experience job searching outside of a recession to compare today to. What I have experienced is real support from those in my position. My peers, who are also desperately seeking work, are hooking me up with people they know and sending me job openings they’ve seen. They are consoling me with their own personal stories and giving moral support.

My hypothesis: Those in the Millennial generation are helping one-another find job opportunities more than any previous generation helped their peers.

The Millennials are savvy, connected, and optimistic. Tough times are their motivator and digital skills are their arsenal, where opportunities do not exist, this generation will create. I also think that the idealism that often influences Millennials’ decisions will lead to many trips and falls along the way.

If anyone's done research on this, let's chat.


Kyle Cameron Studstill said...

Hmmm. "I would research." Lists could go on, no? You've inspired me to think if I might collect a similar list of my own :)

Hot one on the top of my head: how we think about loss. Permanent loss, in an age of "everything on the internet lasts forever." Think: Lose/Lose, BetYourFollowers, Whopper Sacrifice.

Or my next PSFK post, a project I just ran into:

Hmm of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a Wave thread. Does that exist yet? "Things we [planners] would like to research."

Call me Fitz. said...

Hi Kyle,

Thanks for reading!

I looked at but don't get it... can't wait to read your article.

I love that question - the change in loss. Another way I look at this is the change in ownership. I wonder how the web has changed the value of ownership. Especially with music - there used to be, and still is, a real pride in owning a record. The experience of listening to a record is a sacred ritual. Today though we feel no need to own music, society has become more interested in sharing than owning. This is good, our kindergarten teachers would be proud. Things like Spotify and Pandora take away the need to own at all. So what is the value of ownership today?
