Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Search "adcenter" on YouTube and you will find this. Our "decruitment video as is referred to by the narrator. We really aren't this pretentious or mean...or are we?

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Next Charles Hall assignment....

On this Charles Hall assignment we were provided with a scenario:
When you return home from class today, you will find your apartment ransacked and your most valuable possession stolen.
1. What was stolen?
2. Who stole it?
3. What do you have to do to get it back?

(Yes Charles,) I liked this assignment because it allowed me to showcase my second passion, (the first being advertising of course) French.


This reminded me of the recent Fenske alphabet assignment...

A product I love-iPod Hoodies

How money is this?

Masking Tape Art

Defining a new form of grafiti art, masking tape art doesn't require a scrub brush to get rid of. These designs are beautiful, I love the sign-language type hand shapes.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

"Ideas worth spreading"

I don't think i even appreciate the full scope of the potential this conference has in generating ideas...Someday however, i hope to attend TED and learn first hand.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

i would beg for a cubicle at a place like...

This photo is taken from Red Tettemer in Philadelphia, PA. I think these are guidelines to follow in regards to working in advertising. It is also currently the background to my computer.







kick it

"Dear aspiring strategist," began the paragraph on the graded paper I had just gotten back from Don Just. Well, at least he's got an idea as to where I hope to go in this industry, even if he does find my current work sub-par. Do I blame him though? The VCU Adcenter is more than just a route to getting a job, it's a GPS system that guides you to a new sense of self. My work, much like this blog, will be flawed, it will aspire to be great and miss the mark more often than not. But, what the hell, Wayne Gretzky said he missed 100% of the shots he didn't take and what's the use in not taking any risks?
So perculate it up, it's time to get strategizin'